80 Strand Street Urban Design and Heritage Indicators
CBD, Cape Town   

Located close to the north-western edge of Cape Town’s CBD, the site is in proximity to a cluster of tall buildings as well as a number of historical buildings of particular heritage significance, including the Lutheran Church and Melck complex which are important local landmarks. Urban Concepts was commissioned to compile Urban Design and Heritage Indicators for the redevelopment and renewal of 80 Strand Street, with the intention to guide the design team. The appointment was made prior to development of any architectural design development drawings; therefore, the indicators assisted the design team from the outset, rather than being a reactive process.

The indicators provide guidelines for the placement and orientation of new fabric within its sensitive heritage landscape; the relationship between the scale of buildings within the site and the broader Cityscape to ensure that the surrounding buildings, spaces, views and landmarks are not compromised; appropriate setbacks, scale and fragmentation of building form to mitigate visual impact; sustainability of the city centre as well as the development itself through promotion of high density development and mixed building uses designed to allow for future changes; as well as support and enhancement the quality of the public realm, including active street frontage.

The indicators were communicated in the form of a written document and diagrams which have facilitated the architect’s design process and are a useful tool for the architectural team and local authorities in evaluating whether the architectural design conforms to the indicators and, if not, how this impact could be mitigated.

Mixed use, heritage, urban design

80 Strand Consortium

Cape Town

Document completed in 2017

Urban Concepts - urban design
Fabian Architects - architecture
Claire Abrahamse - heritage

Image credits
Drawings and graphics by Urban Concepts


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